Welcome to Our Blog!Building a Confident Dog General Training Tips Service Dog Education and more! |
Welcome to Our Blog!Building a Confident Dog General Training Tips Service Dog Education and more! |
Teaching tasks is not always as simple as teaching Sit. Unlike your basic commands, you may or may not be able to find clear instructions online or in a book. Even if you can find instructions online, those instructions may not fit with what you need for your disability or what you're capable of doing with your disability. I often find this to be true when mapping out tasks for CRPS - many tasks are similar to other mobility tasks, but the way they're taught for the average mobility-impaired individual often lends the dog to accidentally triggering pain flares if I taught it the same way. Learn to take simple object --> learn to take clothing article --> learn to help with laundry Part of my job as a service dog trainer is thinking through how to map out various tasks. I think through every part of the task, see it in my mind, work through variables of what I know a dog can do, what I know my dog can do, what I need, and options for how we might get there. I've done this process for every single task I already offer in my training program for service dogs, and I repeat it anytime I need to add a task for my own service dog, or for adding a specific task for a client. My service dog training program is broken into separate courses, to better enable me to jump in wherever your team is currently, and to help clients start (getting a dog) to finish (working coherently in public). I offer a task training course for teaching all of the tasks you need and public access knowledge, and the option for teaching tasks one at a time, if you're on a tight budget. Learn more about these options by booking a free consult with the button below :) If you're not currently in a position to afford working one on one with me or another trainer, though, I encourage you to use the following outline to help yourself learn how to map out tasks or teach this exact task for your own team :)
AuthorHi, my name is Sally Fowler. I'm the owner & trainer for DADTC. I'll be writing posts with training tips, service dog basics, and more! Check out the categories below to find exactly what you're looking for! If you have any questions or there's a topic you'd like to see discussed here, please check out our contact page here. Archives
April 2024